Wednesday 25 January 2012

FastTrack? Online Marketing, Inc. Wins International Award for Best Overall Website

Los Angeles (Vocus) January 28, 2009

The MarCom Awards honoring Excellence in Marketing and Communications achievement 2008, honorable mention has been presented to Bill Ganz, Founder and CEO of More Media Group, Inc., and its subsidiary FastTrack? Online Marketing, Inc. (, Southern California based companies. The award is for Best Overall Website. This award was won for the structure, setup and design of the website and for Executive level education in the arena of Web 2.0 Marketing, Social Media and Conversational Web Community Development. This award also reflects the website's vision for its executive training and impact on the media as it pertains to an added solution for traditional media to educate C-level understanding and leadership.

FastTrack? Online Marketing, Inc., Founders Steve Aust and Bill Ganz have this to say "It is always an unexpected pleasure to receive an award of this nature considering the high level of competition from International companies to the Fortune 50", they added, "Our team of highly dedicated professionals is the reason we are accepting this award, so it is for them we graciously accept this honor."

S. Marcello Foran, CEO and Founder of UWC and U-VIP says; "I call on FastTrack? Online Marketing, Inc. in this ever changing world of Web Marketing to take me to the winners circle. Aust and Ganz and their team of industry experts are always on the scene as it pertains to Web Community Development, Web 2.0 Marketing and Social Media for site trafficking."

FastTrack's website, although a commercial endeavor for training, was also designed to help company owners and executives get a grasp of this new marketing environment called "Social Networks". The basis of this is to understand conversational marketing and its impact on the new prosperity paradigm with Social Media.

FastTrack? Online Marketing., Inc. has already developed and implemented one of the first monetized social networks for one of its clients. My Social Income (http://www.mysocialincom) ( is the first Green, Monetized Social Media platform of its kind. This Social Networking platform is based on an affiliate based marketing program which pays its site customer for usage. MSI is leading the way in online community development that is Movement Based Marketing. The challenge seems to be, how do companies develop a Social Network that rewards the Social Networkers for their participation. After years of investment in web psychology and Social Media philosophy, Aust and Ganz have the answer.

The FastTrack? Online Marketing, Inc. team is available for media interviews and guest appearances by contacting:

Bill Ganz

MORE Media Group, Inc.



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