Sunday 19 May 2013

How to automatically mount 3 TrueCrypt volumes on OSX after login

How to automatically mount 3 TrueCrypt volumes on OSX after login

As the title say I would like to automatically mount 3 volumes after logging into OSX. I saved my 3 volumes to the favorite volumes.
I tried the –-auto-mount=favorites parameter from here:
so my script looks like this:
/Applications/ –-auto-mount=favorites
It does seem to load at startup with the dialog for the password, but then gives me an error saying the script has an error or something.
This didn't seem to help me either:
So I have 2 questions:
How do I make this happen so that my favorite volumes that are already saved in TC to load without errors? Copy & Paste script would be awesome, as I'm not a programmer.
How would I get rid of the potential admin password before the actual volume password?

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